Sermons and messages from Pastor Jason White and others at Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Tyler, TX
Latest Episodes
Luke 4:31-37 (Week 3 - Life Expressed Series)
During Jesus' earthly ministry, He helped people who were attacked and held captive by evil in this world. Jesus continues to do that today as He expresses His life t...
Luke 4:14-30 (Week 2 - Life Expressed Series)
What is your purpose? What are you here on earth to do? In Luke 4:14-30, we see Jesus' purpose, and if He expresses His Life through us, then it becomes our purpose ...
Luke 1:1-4 (Introduction - Life Expressed Series)
As we begin our "Life Expressed" Sermon Series on the Gospel of Luke, we look at Luke 1:1-4, where Dr. Luke shares how and why he wrote the Gospel account of Luke. Lu...
Finding Freedom in Christ (Guest Speaker - Larry Robbins)
Guest Speaker, Larry Robbins, walks us through his journey of being fired as a Senior Pastor, divorced by his wife, and facing confusion, doubts, and depression. Thro...
John 1:9-13 (Week 4 - "God Became Flesh" Series)
The God of the universe was coming into the world, and while many did not receive Him, those who did were born of God, given a new nature, and became children of God. ...