All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 in total
John 11:45-54 "The Plot to Kill Jesus" (Week 1 - Road to the Resurrection Series)
After Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, the religious leaders of His day plot to kill Him. However, what they meant for evil, God was using for good. God does the ...

The Next Generation (Garrett Rodden - Student Minister)
Sometimes people refer to students as the "next generation" in the church, but in reality, our students are the church now! Students become part of the church the mom...

Luke 6:27-36 (Week 11 - Life Expressed Series)
We all have enemies, but Jesus tells us to love them, do good to them, bless them, and pray for them. The problem is that you and I can't do that. The good news is t...

Luke 6:1-11 (Week 10 - Life Expressed Series)
In Luke 6, Jesus gets approached by the "rule-police" (Pharisees), and Jesus basically teaches them that if rules are keeping you from loving people, then you've taken...

Luke 5:33-39 (Week 9 - Life Expressed Series)
What does the parable of the wineskin mean in Luke 5? Jesus is saying that the new wine of the gospel must be placed in the new wineskin of grace, not into the old wi...

Luke 5:27-32 (Week 8 - Life Expressed Series)
Jesus invested in messy people. He ate and drank with sinners and tax collectors. If Jesus expresses His life through us today, then we should expect Him to lead us ...

Luke 5:17-26 (Week 7 - Life Expressed Series)
Before healing a paralytic brought to Him by some of his friends, Jesus declared, "Friend, your sins are forgiven." If you've put your faith in Jesus for salvation, y...

Luke 5:12-16 (Week 6 - Life Expressed Series)
What do we do if we feel invisible in this world? How do we respond to those who feel invisible? In Luke 5, Jesus comes across someone who probably felt invisible, u...

Luke 5:1-11 (Week 5 - Life Expressed Series)
In Luke 5, Simon Peter receives his calling. Jesus called him to fish for people. Jesus has a unique calling on your life which represents the way He will express Hi...

Luke 4:38-44 (Week 4 - Life Expressed Series)
People often use the phrase, "Share the gospel, and if necessary, use words," but when you look at the way Jesus lived during His earthly ministry, He did use words! ...

Luke 4:31-37 (Week 3 - Life Expressed Series)
During Jesus' earthly ministry, He helped people who were attacked and held captive by evil in this world. Jesus continues to do that today as He expresses His life t...

Luke 4:14-30 (Week 2 - Life Expressed Series)
What is your purpose? What are you here on earth to do? In Luke 4:14-30, we see Jesus' purpose, and if He expresses His Life through us, then it becomes our purpose ...

Luke 1:1-4 (Introduction - Life Expressed Series)
As we begin our "Life Expressed" Sermon Series on the Gospel of Luke, we look at Luke 1:1-4, where Dr. Luke shares how and why he wrote the Gospel account of Luke. Lu...

Finding Freedom in Christ (Guest Speaker - Larry Robbins)
Guest Speaker, Larry Robbins, walks us through his journey of being fired as a Senior Pastor, divorced by his wife, and facing confusion, doubts, and depression. Thro...

John 1:9-13 (Week 4 - "God Became Flesh" Series)
The God of the universe was coming into the world, and while many did not receive Him, those who did were born of God, given a new nature, and became children of God. ...

John 1:6-8 (Week 3 - "God Became Flesh" Sermon Series)
John the Baptist came to be a witness and testify about Jesus. As believers today, the Holy Spirit uses us as witnesses and to testify about Jesus as well. What a pr...

John 1:4-5 (Week 2 - "God Became Flesh" Sermon Series)
Jesus is the life (zoe) and the light of the world, and as we put our faith in Him for salvation, we receive His life and light into our lives. No matter how dark thi...

John 1:1-3 (Week 1 - "God Became Flesh" Sermon Series)
The gospel of John gives us a cosmic perspective of the birth of Christ. In the first 3 verses of the opening chapter, John declares the deity of Jesus and that He wa...

Operation Christmas Child Sermon (John 6:1-13)
God uses small things in big ways. We see this in the feeding of the 5,000, and we see this in the way He uses Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes that are sent all o...

Seeking God (Dr. Aaron Glover)
When faced with anxiety, fear, or worry, often times we try to take matters into our own hands and turn to God as a last resort. Dr. Aaron Glover walks through 2 Chro...

Faith Over Fear (2 Timothy 1:7)
During the election season, it can be so easy to be overcome by fear over the outcome. But Paul tells us that God does not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love...

The Rhythm of Walking in Good Works (Week 7 - Rhythms of Grace Series)
As we develop the rhythm of walking in the good works that God prepared in advance for us, we will experience Jesus expressing His Life in service to others through us...

The Rhythm of Community (Week 6 - Rhythms of Grace Series)
God is a relational Being in and of Himself. Being made in His image, makes you and I relational beings. We were created to be in relationships with others. God eve...

The Rhythm of Silence and Solitude (Week 5 - Rhythms of Grace Series)
During His earthly ministry, Jesus had a rhythm of getting away to spend time in silence and solitude, and if He lives in you, you will experience Him leading you to d...

The Rhythm of Meditating on Scripture (Week 4 - Rhythms of Grace Series)
We don't read the Bible as a religious duty, as a book of rules, for inspiration, or to have more knowledge. We read to know Jesus and to experience intimacy with Him...

The Rhythm of Relational Prayer (Week 3 - Rhythms of Grace Series)
Developing a rhythm of relational prayer is foundational to experiencing intimacy in our relationship with Christ. Relational prayer involves both talking to Jesus an...

The Rhythm of Awareness (Week 2 - Rhythms of Grace Series)
Developing a rhythm of being acutely aware of Jesus' presence and personality is necessary to experience the intimate relationship and abundant life you already have i...

Series Introduction (Week 1 - Rhythms of Grace Sermon Series)
Spiritual disciplines are not a checklist of things we ought to do to be good Christians. They are more like rhythms of grace that lead us deeper into the fellowship ...

The Core 4
At CHBC, we have 4 core values that drive who we are as a church. In this sermon, we dive into those core values from a biblical standpoint and show how they apply to...

Experiencing True Rest
Many of us experience unrest in our lives from physical exhaustion, sin struggles, relational conflict, and just the general dissatisfaction and emptiness we sometimes...