Luke 4:31-37 (Week 3 - Life Expressed Series)
Well, I'm not sure about you, but there are sometimes when I look out or look around our world today, and I see all of the evil that is going on, it becomes overwhelming. It's exhausting to see all of the evil. It's depressing to see all of the evil that is going on in our community and throughout our nation, and ultimately even all around the world. And it's everywhere. I mean, we all heard of and saw on the news and social media what happened in New Orleans just a few weeks ago, where a man drove his car into a crowd of people and began to open fire, intentionally trying to kill as many innocent people as he could.
Just pure evil, depressing
we all know a little over a year ago when Hamas invaded Israel and killed 1200 innocent people and took over 200 people hostage, leaving them in absolutely deplorable conditions and abusing them in probably horrific ways, ways that we're not even aware of, even already or right now again, just pure evil. Few years ago, many of us saw a movie based on a true story titled The sound of freedom, and we were either made aware of or reminded of the problem of human trafficking in our world, that there are people that are being sold and trafficked into slavery and into the sex trade and how People are abused in appalling ways in these situations, sometimes they're even kids, which I think most of us, when we hear or see those kinds of things, it can really make us even, like, literally sick to our stomachs to
know that kind of thing is going on.
So much horrific evil, that when we see it around our world. It, it does grab our attention. We we hate to hear about and see those kinds of things. But then there's other evils that go on in our world today that have just kind of become normalized, things that are just as evil, but they've just kind of become normal part of our culture. You heard Lauren talking about one of those. I mean, the innocent killing of babies, murdering children, is not okay. That's evil, but it's become normalized. It's part of what just people do in our world, we see people addicted to pornography, but it's become so normalized in our culture, but when you think and see the degrading of men and women, the abuse that takes place, the way children are abused in some of these situations, then it's just horrifying to see what's ultimately going on behind the scenes. Satan, of course, is behind it all. He's actively involved in our world, trying to attack and destroy people's lives, the culture that we live in. He's involved in the abuse and addiction of alcohol and illegal drugs and prescription drugs, and who knows how many other substances he's trying to destroy. He's trying to control and keep people in bondage to these things, all the while convincing them that that's what they need to numb the evil that's happened to them in their past. It's a trick. It's a ploy. It's evil so normal, though, in our culture, with all those kind of things going on, let's also not downplay how Satan also is at work through bullies today, he's involved in that work with our kids and teenagers and even adults who are being victimized by bullies who seek to control other people's lives, to use them in some way, and to just keep them walking in fear. It's evil
part of Satan and his work in this world
all around us, he's destroying people's lives around the world and sometimes even in our own circles, in our own families, in our own neighborhoods, in our own schools, in the places that we work, and with so much evil in our world, and the depths of it being so strong and deep sometimes. I mean, I think the question we ask, is there anything that we can do about it? I mean, is there really anything that we can do? It's so dark, and Satan just keeps, keeps seeming to be winning all of the time. We've been in this message series titled Life expressed. Over the last several weeks, we've been looking at how Jesus expresses his life through us to make impact on others in the world. You. The answer to that question about, can we really do anything about the evil in the world is, no, no, you can't do anything about it. I can't do anything about it, but, but Jesus can, and he can do that in and through us. More we've come aware of the way Jesus lived his life, that we see in the gospels, and that we've been looking at in the Gospel of Luke specifically, the more we'll be aware of how he's actively involved in our lives to work through us, to make impact in the world. And today we're going to see Jesus pushing back the darkness, one of the ways that he dealt with evil in his day. And then we'll talk about how that might apply to us today, the way he continues to do that, and the way he works through us to do those very things.
Ask you to turn to Luke, chapter four,
verse 31 this is what Luke begins to say. Then he referring to Jesus, went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and on the Sabbath, He taught the people. You may remember last week in the previous section we were in that Jesus was teaching in a synagogue as well. He was in a different place. He was in his hometown of Nazareth. But you may even remember that last week in the section we looked at when he was teaching those people in the synagogue that he unrolled the scroll of Isaiah, and he rolled to a spot where it was talking about the Messiah, who would come. And he began to read about how the Messiah would proclaim good news to the poor, how he would proclaim freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, how he would set the oppressed free and proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. And you may remember that he rolled up the scroll and he said, Today, this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing. Again, Jesus is saying this. It's me. I'm the Messiah, and this is what I've come to do. This is my purpose, my messianic purpose, the things that I will be about and what I'll be doing. And here in Luke chapter four, verse 31 Luke is now beginning to tell us how he left Nazareth to go out and begin to do those things that he just announced he said he was here to do. And we're going to see him doing one of those things in just a moment when he gets to Capernaum, we're told that he goes into another synagogue there a meeting place of people, and that He began to teach in that setting the way he taught in Nazareth. Let's look and see how they react to his teaching. In verse 32 Luke says they those who were in the synagogue were amazed at His teaching. Why? Because his words had authority. Underline that word authority if you're following along in your own Bible, this was so different than the way they had been used to hearing other rabbis and other teachers teach most rabbis in this particular day would bring out some kind of a problem, and then they would just simply tell you what every other rabbi and teacher had to say about that problem. They would never solve the problem. They would just tell you what everybody else said about it, and then move on to the next one and tell you what all the other rabbis said about that problem, and then just go on and on and on. And here's what everybody said, but Jesus was different. He didn't take the time when he was teaching to go, well, Rabbi so and so taught this, and Rabbi so and so taught this. He just said, this is the truth. Take it or leave it.
His words were sufficient.
He taught with authority, and people just weren't used to that. Aren't you going to tell us what everybody else thinks? It doesn't matter what everybody else thinks I am the truth. I am the truth. I am the authority on these things. They were amazed by that kind of teaching. Had their attention while Jesus was teaching, and they were amazed at His teaching. He was about to be interrupted. Luke says in verse 33 in the synagogue that there was a man who was possessed by a demon, an impure spirit. Couple of things to just note before we see what happens here. Number one, he's recognizing the presence of evil. He's claiming that there was a demon present. Demons are real. Evil is real, despite what other people might try to tell you, they existed in the world. They continue to exist in the world, and they have influence and impact over people. And we see this one doing it with this guy. He was possessing him. He was claiming his authority over him. So guess what you have? Now you have Jesus who's in the synagogue, and Luke just tells us that he's teaching with what authority. And now you have a demon who's also present in the synagogue, who is also. So exercising authority
sounds like a battle,
one authority against another authority. I mean, if this was a movie, this is where the dramatic climactic music would begin to play, right? You've got Jesus, who's the essence of good, moral and right, and teaching with this authority, and you've got this demon who's impure and evil and immoral, who's exercising his authority, who's going to win? It's going to be a fight for the ages, a fight to the death. Punches are going to be thrown, blood will surface. There's going to be sweat, effort, intensity. There's no way to know who could win? Could go either way. This is the scene he's saying, right? Jesus, teaching authority. Demon authority. It's going to happen. He the demon, cried out at the top of his voice, verse 34 go away. What do you want with us? Jesus of Nazareth, have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God. Does it sound too much like the trash talk you would expect out of a demon with authority? Does it?
He says, Go away.
You don't tell people to go away unless you're what scared. You're feeling threatened by them. He's feeling threatened by Jesus in the authority that he has. He doesn't want to fight. Like, just, just go away. You mean he
like, I know who's really in charge here, right?
Notice that he knows who Jesus is. He calls him Jesus of Nazareth, the Holy One of God. He knows his power. He knows his authority. He even asked the question, uh, oh, are you here to destroy us? Is it? Is it that time? He knows that Jesus is the ultimate authority over him, that this is not going to be a fair fight. There's really nothing that he can do about the situation that he's in
so much for this cosmic battle.
And quite honestly,
sounds like demons, bullies
become wimps in the presence of Jesus,
we're all big and bad and possessing people and doing these things to them, and Jesus walks in the room and light just go away, right? I mean, I hope that's the first thing that just stands out to you here. Sometimes we get so overwhelmed and it's dark, and they're just so in control. And is there anything that we can do? And what about the demons in my own life and the things that I'm struggling and wrestling with, I just can't seem to get any victory. And Jesus shows up, and the demon starts whimpering and whining. And if Jesus dwells in you, then guess what? When the demons show up, they start whimpering and whining, because the presence of Jesus, who dwells in you, has entered the room
here to destroy this.
See, said that help you approach the things that you've been wrestling with and that Satan has convinced you you have no power and control and the things going on in our world. It helps us to see it from a different perspective. The truth it's demons whimpering and whining, and of course, with good reason, look what happens in verse 35 Be quiet. Jesus said sternly, Come out of him, and the demon threw the man down before them. All
came out without injuring him.
No punches thrown, no leg kicks, no wrestling on the ground, no sweating, no real effort, just words, the same authoritative words that people were amazed by in his teaching,
he says, Be quiet. The demon comes out of him
now, not before trying to make one last attempt, one last ditch effort, to at least hurt the man. It's like, we're told that the demon threw him down. He's like, saying, Okay, you may be able to destroy me, Jesus, but I'm taking this guy out on my way down. Jesus, like, No, I don't even think you're going to do that. You're going to throw him down, but I'm going to keep the guy from being injured, and that's what happens. Jesus wasn't just interested in showing off his power. He was concerned for the man who was being held captive by evil in the world. Jesus saw the evil in the world, and he did something about. Out the evil that was in the world.
You know, do something about the evil in the world today. He'll do it through you.
When you cast out a demon with just mere words, and there's no real showdown in that way, it usually has the tendency, I would think, to get people's attention. And that's what Luke tells us happened next. Verse 36 all the people were amazed and said to each other, what words are these? With authority and power? Underline those words again, authority, power. He gives orders to impure spirits,
and they come out.
And the news about Him spread throughout the surrounding area. I bet it did. It's real power, real authority. People were witnessing it firsthand. No epic battle between evil and good. It was it was over in the amount of time it took him to say six words. What we see is that Jesus is the ultimate power. He is the ultimate authority over all things, including evil. And Jesus came to set people free from evil, to proclaim freedom for the imprisoned, to set the oppressed free to push back the darkness and the forces of evil in this world. And again, if this is what Jesus does, and Jesus puts his life in you to express his life through you, then he will do the same to push back the darkness and fight evil in our world today. Now, before you go out trying to cast out demons, out of someone, let me remind you that evil exists in our world in a number of ways, and there's a number of ways that Jesus, dwelling in us, who is pushing back the darkness in this world, fights evil through us.
He did it through William.
You know, William, right.
William came to faith in Christ when he was 25 years old. He called his conversion the great change, and immediately thought that he should get out of politics and go into full time vocational ministry. He was praying about that. He was thinking about that, contemplating that, when a pastor pulled him aside and said, William, I believe that the Lord has raised you up for the good of our nation and that you should actually stay where you are at. Don't get into full time vocational ministry, Jesus wants to express his life through you, even in the political realm, where you're at right now. And the thing is, William Wilberforce did stay in politics after coming to know Christ, and Jesus began to express his life through him and used him to fight the evil of slavery in England. As a matter of fact, Jesus used William, almost single handedly, to abolish the slave trade in the 1700s in England, and when it was finally abolished, John Pollack, his biographer, said it was the greatest moral achievement of the British people. Historian G M Trevelyan called it one of the turning events in the history of the world,
because William Wilberforce didn't do that.
Jesus did that in and through William, as William, William was just the instrument Jesus is expressing his life in and through believers today to push back evil in our world, and he used William as his instrument to fight the evil of slavery during his time.
What's he looking to do through you? You
Gary Haugen
was a human rights attorney in the United States.
He began to work in other parts of the world, really impoverished parts of the world, and he began to see how children, women, men in poverty stricken areas were being trafficked, began to notice how they were being sold into slavery, how they were being exploited and abused every day because evil people in power prayed over them, P, R, E, y, E, D, prayed, prayed over them, on them, their vulnerabilities, that poverty creates. When he saw those things, Jesus grabbed a hold of his heart. He knew that this was not okay, that these were people who were born in the image of God, and they were being oppressed and abused by evil people. When he began to talk to other people about this thing, people began to tell. Gary, that's just the way things are. There's nothing that you can really do about that, especially in those parts of the world, their local justice systems just aren't equipped to defend these people, and there was nothing they just just give up on it. There's nothing you can do. But Jesus puts His life in us to express his life through us
to fight evil in this world,
and he led Gary to start the International Justice Mission, which seeks to protect women and children from domestic and sexual violence. They worked to free people from sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and they helped to fight the online sexual exploitation of children. Last year, over 10,000 children, women and men were relieved from violence. 243 survivors were restored to safety, stability and strength. Over 3000 perpetrators of violence were restrained. 22,000 justice system officials were trained to better protect their communities from violence, and 1400 traffickers and abusers were convicted in local courts, and that's just last year.
They've been doing it for 25 years.
Gary, don't worry about that. There's nothing you can do. It's just the way it is in these parts of the world. Apparently they didn't know that Jesus cast out demons with just words. Apparently, they didn't know that that same Jesus dwells in the church today, and he expresses his life through the church today to push back the darkness and fight evil, even in places like that,
I think they do now,
you heard Lauren talking about Beverly Klein. She's somebody right here in our own community, just serving, paying attention to what's going on, and all of a sudden, someone who's pregnant, a teenage girl and struggling needs help. What do I do? I try to get her help? Now she tries to get her help. She's pointed to how these things are influencing girls and trying to lead them to get abortions and all of these kind of things. And God grabs a hold of her heart and says, that is not okay. But what am I going to do? I'm just one person. I'm not really equipped. I don't have a big non profit ministry that can run these things. Well, Jesus, I'm available. I've
got an apartment.
Oh, you want me to serve them and just open up this place? Okay, I'll take one step in that direction as I watch you walk, working in through me and the next step and the next step. And now Lauren's here talking what she said 40 years later, and all the different ministries that that's led. Can you imagine the number of women who have been impacted through that, the kids who have been adopted, and the light that's been shined, the hope that's been brought into these worlds. Why? Because Jesus is in the business of pushing back the darkness and fighting evil in this world today, even in our own community, and he does it through instruments in the church who are available to his work in and through them. And so if he does it through them, what does that look like for you? How's Jesus expressing his life through you? To fight evil in this world? Maybe it's to be more involved with one of these ministries, living alternatives, or some other way to give financially, or to be available to volunteer practically in some way, or maybe he's leading you to stand up to bullies for someone at your school or on your team or in your workplace or somewhere else. Maybe he's leading you to help someone who's fighting the evil of pornography or addiction to alcohol or drugs. I don't know what it is for you, but there could be a number of ways that Jesus fights evil and pushes back the darkness, darkness in and through you, because you're unique and because there's so much evil in our world today in a number of different forms. So I'm not going to stand up here and tell you exactly what that is for you, but I do believe this. The more you're looking for it, the more you're asking for him how he's working in and through you, the more I think you'll begin to see him break your heart for evil, certain evils in this world, and you'll be saying things like, that's not okay. I can't not get involved with that and continue to let that happen. And so I'm available.
Use me,
the more each of us have that posture of recognizing that this is the activity and the work that Jesus is still doing today, and that he's doing it in and through us as us, the more we'll faithfully step into and begin to participate with him in those areas. And that's my prayer that we would be a church who's looking for how he wants to use us here in our community and around the world to push back the darkness.
when we see the evil
that's going on in our world. Sometimes it is so overwhelming.
For some of us,
it's overwhelming. In our own lives, we're experiencing the struggle and the battle hard. I thank you for your word. Thank you for helping us see how Jesus
cast out demons with mere words,
how demons become wimps in
the presence of Jesus, may we
renew our minds to that perspective of things when we're struggling in our own lives,
the victory that we have in Christ and
may you break our hearts
the evil that takes place in our world.
Show us how you want to use us to push back the darkness, to fight that evil. We're available. We're your instruments.
Work in us and through us in Jesus, name Amen,
