Who is My Neighbor? (Won't You Be My Neighbor? series #1)

Who is my neighbor? In our first week, we are focusing on identifying and serving our neighbors by performing Spirit-led acts of kindness to show people God's love for them! Also, we are providing Kindness Cards that you can hand out as the Holy Spirit leads you to serve someone during the week! Check out more at https://colonialhills.com/wont-you-be-my-neighbor CONNECT WITH US Are you new to Colonial Hills? Go to www.colonialhills.com/im-new Want to Discover LIFE in Christ? Go to www.colonialhills.com/discover Want to share a Prayer Request? Go to www.colonialhills.com/pray-together FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: www.facebook.com/colonialhills Instagram: www.instagram.com/colonialhills_life Youtube: www.youtube.com/@colonialhills_life Who is My Neighbor? (Won't You Be My Neighbor? series #1) Modern Worship Service 11:00AM 09.25.2022
Who is my neighbor? In our first week, we are focusing on identifying and serving our neighbors by performing Spirit-led acts of kindness to show people God's love for them! Also, we are providing Kindness Cards that you can hand out as the Holy Spirit leads you to serve someone during the week! Check out more at https://colonialhills.com/wont-you-be-my-neighbor


Are you new to Colonial Hills? Go to www.colonialhills.com/im-new
Want to Discover LIFE in Christ? Go to www.colonialhills.com/discover
Want to share a Prayer Request? Go to www.colonialhills.com/pray-together

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Youtube: www.youtube.com/@colonialhills_life

Who is My Neighbor? (Won't You Be My Neighbor? series #1)
Modern Worship Service 11:00AM
Who is My Neighbor? (Won't You Be My Neighbor? series #1)
Broadcast by